[dromedary] Can Country Music kill the mood?

April 5, 2023
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AO: Dromedary
Q: Schnitzel
PAX: Schnitzel, J-Woww, Dana, Atlas, Rockwell, One Star, Noonan, Deep Dish
FNGs: None
Indian run to roundabout. Last one has to do 1 burpee before running to the front
15 of each: Morrocan Night clubs, Imperial walkers, potato pickers
Then calf stretch, runners stretch, downward dog, upward dog
Paul Abdul (?) with all the light posts going around the school towards the high school entrance. Start with 10 big boys, next light 10 merkins.
Mosey to first alcove, partner up. First partner is running to the other alcove, does two burpees and returns. Second partner is doing: jabs, donkey kicks, air presses, balls to the walls.
Mosey to rock pile near track, partner up. First Partner is running a lap (no exercise), second partner is doing curls, triceps and airpresses.
Mosey to picknick area. 20 dips, 16 step ups (8 each leg), 15 derkins, one lap around track. Repeat the exercises but not the lap.
Mosey back to COT
It is always funny how you dread to do a Q but once it is done, it is really fulfilling! Especially with great Pax around you!
One Star was very kind to bring his music out (we needed a phone) – but he played like hard core Country music first. Everybody was almost falling asleep… my request for a German radio station was ignored… probably for all the good reasons! 😂
Somewhen inbetween One Star hid the cap of Noonan, so in turn he hid One Stars phone! 😂 it led to a 10-count which was most welcomed!
WTF at some point
Next blood drive 7/15
Deep Dish shared that one of his co-workers lost his 2.5year old daughter last weekend who had a heart condition. This is absolutely horrible. Prayers are with him and his family!
Deep Dish led us out – thank you!

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