[dromedary] Loop around the campus

September 18, 2024
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AO: dromedary
Q: Hot Yoga
PAX: Deep Dish, Dana, Punxsy – Shawn Chen, Noonan, Schnitzel, Posse, Centerfold, Goodfella, One Star, Turkeydrop, Big Tuna, Chipotle, Pitsnogle, Hasselhof
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Mosey around parking lot to front of high school
Moroccan night clubs
Mountain climbers
Single leg pickle pointers

Mosey to circle
At every light merkins starting with 10 decreasing by 1

Mosey to front of Middle School
At every light 5 dry docks

Mosey to the maintenance shed
4 corners around shed
Side shuffle
Lunge walk
Side shuffle
Lunge walk

Partner up at far end of bus lot
Partner 1 sprints to 2nd street light on right then runs backward to start
Partner 2 does exercise
4 rounds
Mountain climbers
Peter Parker’s
Parker Peter’s
Plank jacks

Mosey back to COT
8 minutes left and Dana said we had only run 2 miles, so run length of parking lot
At top of hill 5 Bobby Hurleys
At far end of lot 5 Mike Tisons
Repeato on way back

Down dog
Up dog
Runners stretch
Lunge stretch
Have a nice day

2.5 miles total. Prayers for Premature who is still battling pneumonia and youngest son dealing with heart issue.

YHC took us out