[ignition] Keep it Moving Monday

March 13, 2023
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AO: Ignition
Q: Gerber
PAX: Rain Man, Dasher – Jeff Green, Damascus, Ice9, Schnitzel, Mute, Ham, Hollywood, Gerber
FNGs: None
DiCCS were given (Disclaimer, Cell phone, CPR, Safety)
Time to move as the goal was to keep moving today and log some miles.
Mosey back way to side of stadium
• Dasher leads warm up while Q checks out the HS bathroom facilities
Mosey up to the light to cross Cuthbertson.
Mosey down Waynewood to the intersection with Dobson with
• Mountain climbers x 10 (2 is 1) at every stoplight on the right
• Run the Waynewood/Dobson loop but enter all 4 cul-de-sacs while running the loop

o Squats x 10 when you enter
o Merkin Shredders x 10 at the end of the cul-de-sac
o Big Bois x 10 when you exit the cul-de-sac
o Finish the 5th set sequentially when you complete the loop
o The goal was to run hard between the cul-de-sacs and get that pace down
o Complete the loop and run back for the six
o Ends up being a 1.9 mile loop with the cul-de-sacs
Mosey to the pool parking lot on Dobson
• Mike Tysons x 10
• Run back to four way stop
• Bobby Hurleys x 10
• Rinse and Repeat for a total of 3 sets
• Pick up the six
Mosey back to the Waynewood and Dobson intersection
• Run up Waynewood to the Cuthbertson entrance
• Mountain climbers x 10 (2 is 1) at every driveway on the right
• Pick up the six
I love Champion Forrest for Ignition. Usually low traffic
Thank you for the opportunity to lead today.

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