[impromptu] Rock & Literally Roll Weinke

November 22, 2024
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AO: impromptu
Q: Foundation
PAX: Smithers, Deflated, Spitz, Chainsaw, Tron, Dana, Schneider/Tom Evans, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Jitterbug, Hi-Hat, Twinkle toes, Shriver
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

YHC decided to keep it local and stay in one area to try ensure we did not Hooch it today so weinke was to stay in front of the middle school and use the parking lot. Plan was to do partner work, but try and keep pax moving with little downtime. Of course had to bring the speaker to have few tunes on a Friday.

Warm Up:
Quick lap around parking lot
2nd Lap mix in few dynamic stretches to get blood flowing (scoops, butt kickers, high knees, shuffle, backwards run)
Jimmy Dugans
Merkins – LRC shocked that YHC was able to count past 10, as we did 15. (now only if I can count and do an exercise past 10)
Calf Stretch
Mt Climbers
Runner Stretch

Partner up for a triple nickel
Partners run in opposite directions when you meet alternate between
5 x handslap merkins
5 x handslap Bobby Hurleys
Complete 5 rounds

Next, I split into two groups, A and B – Now that it appears Deflated got his transmission fixed and found a 3rd gear, I knew I wanted to avoid him in my group, so I was able to strategically place him in the other group.

Round 1 & 2 Indian Run – 2 groups
– Group A start with indian run
– Group B do a combination of 2 exercises (dips and incline merkins)

Round 3 & 4 Indian Run – Groups of 3
– Group A start with Indian Run – reduce size of group to teams of 3
– Group B start with leg dips and Carolina Dry Docks

Round 5&6 Indian Run – Groups of 2
– Group A start with Indian Run – reduce to size of groups to teams of 2
– Group B start with squats and bird dogs

Regroup for a few minutes of extra Mary and return to COT

Upon return to COT – Q ended up executing the Rock & Roll maneuver as the speaker wheel started with a wobble, he was unable to save it, and then the next thing you know, YHC ass over the tea kettle and went down. Luckily, the pit crew behind collected the speaker and phone and got YHC back out on the track to get to the finish line – COT.

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