Decided to pull out some stuff from the good old days.
No mosey to start the workout. A few SSH then did the Merkin/Shoulder tap Webb. :muscle: Not sure who made it without putting knees on the ground. Complaining started early about hamburger :raised_back_of_hand: on the rough pavement. 😥
No we can mosey to the back of the MS. 3 rounds of :up: and over the table. Gerber was on :fire:. Zin zoomed right by me in the :bear: crawl. Then we did Big Boi’s in the front of the school.
Headed to the Jungle of Jeeb for 3 laps with 20 curls, dips, and heals to heaven spread out. This is when we heard to boom box blaring in the parking for Foundation’s Q.
Did part of the old AMRAP course the was by the :tennis: courts. Hills, Derkins, and :flag-us: :hammer: .
Started heading back towards COT for the final section. Alcove mania, 10 merkin walk tap, 5 get ups, and 10 Mikey Tysons.
Made it back to COT on time.
That’s a warp fellas. :v: