[swarm] The Champion Forest Triple Triple Nickel (Triple???)

February 3, 2023
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AO: Swarm
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, Gerber, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Rain Man, Two Timer, Mute, Inspector Gadget, Rockwell, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, ChatterBox, Schnitzel
FNGs: None
The plan was to do a triple nickel in all three courts (cul de sac’s) in Champion Forest. I knew it would be tough to pull off timing wise. When we arrived to the first court I called an audible and we switched to the lesser known triple triple – three exercises done 3 times.

WARMUP: Mosey to the Student Driver Lot. Dugans, Merkins, Calf Stretch, Wide Arm Merkins.

THE THANG: Mosey to the light. Cross over to Champion Forest together. Stop at each light to the 4 way for 10 turtle dips (just a dip in the road). Sugar said at light 2 the hard part was getting up, but I can assure you by light 8 by Tri’s were burning.

Mosey to the first court – the easiest of the three. Its flat and short (just like my high school girl friend – hey oh!). 10 Merkins at the street and 10 3-6-9’s in the cul de sec. Repeat for 3 rounds.

Mosey to the second court which has a bastard of a hill. Since we like naming hills around here I now bequeath the name Bastard Hill to it. 10 Wolfpack Dry Docks at the street (They are like Carolina Dry Docks except you don’t cheat – Gerber with extra negative commentary on the name) and 10 LBC’s at the top Cul De Sac. Repeat 3 times.

Mosey on the trail (Avoid the random mud on the normally graveled trail) to arrive at our third Cul De Sac. The one I call home. It also has a sucky hill and according to my wife is .2 miles from curb to street (but Posse knows I won’t go to the curb). Aussie Burppes in the Cul De Sac and Superman Merkins at to top of the street.

Running out of time so only the fastest of the Gazelles got to finish.

Mosey to four way stop and partner up for Leap Frog Sprints and Squats up to the light.

Cross together and learned an important lesson here. We allowed two cars to pass, saw that the coast was clear but didn’t see (or more importantly hear) that another car was coming because we didn’t allow the first passing cars time to clear far enough. In the future I will make sure to wait until I can both see and hear that the road is clear.

Mosey to HS for 20 Irkins the mosey back to COT stopping at the Middle School LED sign for a collector mary.

– This week might mark the longest I’ve been between workouts since starting F3. Due to a rain fartsack on Monday and work travel, I haven’t worked out since last Saturday. Yikes. Not exactly smart to jump right in and Q swarm, but the pax graciously allowed some modifications on my end in order to not slow them down.
– An even 4 miles for me today. I’m sure the gazelles who circled back got closer to 4.5.
– Sugar Daddy invented a new exercise during the turtle dips. I can’t really describe it other than to tell you its obvious he keeps his wife happy at home. Good solid thrust action while on bottom.
– Gerber’s first day back from a pulled calf seemed to be good with no issues.
– Drive By talking to me about all the stupid stuff him and Rubbermaid have planned to run – dumbasses (I mean that in a good way).
– Rockwell was good company allowing me to run my mouth about nonsense. He didn’t seem too fond of the 3-6-9’s and was glad when they were over.
– Two Timer was good company making sure I wasn’t dying.
– Site Q’s circled for the 6 (which often was me). Pro’s.
– Rainman led the way with Mute/Schnitzel/Inspector close behind. Hell everybody looks like they are leading the way when you’re in the 6.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Lunch Today at Maxwell’s.

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