Pax got a 90s/00s playlist for our football themed suicides and sprints to start off via Falcon Q portion…
Then we moseyed back up to the COT lot for kettlebell starfish (including a very “original” second round). Then some curls and sprints. And finally ending with a way too long kettlebell walking lunge the length of the lot, where by this point most realize their legs don’t work still….
Highlight during workout:
Transporter giving it to Deadwood about being the toughest Pax in Waxhaw with his performing the boot camp with the ruck. He almost nailed it, other than the smirk that emerged at the end of the delivery… Bottlecap not only provided the critique but also the opportunity to show us all how it’s done at Coffeeteria after.
Speaking of coffeeteria…
Highlight during Coffeeteria:
A) as previously mentioned, Bottlecap nailing his delivery of asking Deadwood if the highest ranking chickens at his house “wear backpacks” (no smirk involved)…
B) Transporter yelling out towards the direction of the Starbucks counter “ok, who got the iced vanilla chai latte???” (Trying to take a jab at one of the Pax’ masculinity). However, much to his surprise, another guy who looked very much like a possible F3 candidate walked up to own it. To which then, we collectively as a group all burst out with laughter and Bottlecap claimed not even Posse could EH him….
Not included in highlights:
My apparent thong sweat mark im still not sure exists, Zinfandel just wanted an excuse to take an extra gaze….