[swarm] Killer Swarm

August 30, 2024
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AO: swarm
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Rain Man, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Hooch – Bret Turner, Gerber, Mute, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Hollywood, Glidah, Gasparilla
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

A lot of whining in the Playhouse today but not during the workout. Kinda hard to whine when it’s 100% humidity and you’re gassed 5 minutes into the workout. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Hooch put out the marketing yesterday and the Swarm of bees in the 100% accurate and definitely not AI generated photo convinced me to bring back out the Killer Bs.

So without a warmup, we made a super quick mosey to the first light pole atop the hill to Transporter’s Shed. Exercises to be done at each light pole: Start with 1 burpee, run to the next pole and do 2 burpees and 2 bear crawls. Next light pole and do 3 burpees, 3 bear crawls, and add 3 Bonnie Blairs (2=1, duh)…repeato for 8 poles ending with:
8 Burpees
8 Bear Crawl
8 Bonnie Blair
8 Broad Jump
8 Big Bois
8 Bomb Jacks
8 Bobby Hurleys
8 Boxcutters

No break. Mosey to the stairs. Go up then down the stairs and then do 5 burpees. Repeato with 2 stair climbs and 4 burpees. Repeato just like 7s until you’ve completed 5 stair rotations and 1 burpee.

No break. Mosey to the hill to the traffic circle. Bear crawl half way then switch to backwards run. (That was for Gerber who said he didn’t want to run backwards with Dunkin at Impromptu. I assumed that meant he wanted to run backwards at Swarm with me)

At the traffic circle reveal two 35# weight plates. Some confusion on what actually happened but here’s what was supposed to happen:

Make two teams and form line
1st person does hair burner
2nd person does 5 burpees then chases down 1st person
1st person runs back to end of line
Remaining teammates do Merkins, Squats, Big Bois until 1st person returns
Everyone shifts forward one spot and repeato
Once plate reaches opposite traffic circle push it back up hill

Super simple. Or not…we did a second round in hopes a certain team would figure out what was going on. It didn’t work. Oh well…hair burners suck so that’s why we did them.

No break. Mosey to the entry hill for the high school. Triple Nickel with 5 Mike Tysons and 5 Bomb Jacks. Some confusion by a few pax on what exactly a Triple Nickel is but that didn’t stop us from doing it right: 3 exercises, 5 rounds. Easy peasy.

No break. Mosey to the school alcove for Chastain is a Jackass. No one needed a reminder but I wanted to make it official. 10 donkey kicks. On the 10th do a 10 second hold with feet on the wall. Repeato with 9, 8, 7, etc. without stopping.

OK, this time we took a break as most pax were dizzy from the head rush. So we walked from the alcove to sidewalk and then a long mosey to the front of the middle school.

Partner up with opposite speeds for a combined 100 step-ups and 100 Derkins while partners run a hot lap.

One minute to go so sprint to COT

Huh. It doesn’t sound so bad written down.

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