[titan] Opus 1

October 19, 2024
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AO: titan
Q: Damascus
PAX: Zinfandel, Transporter, Blue Screen of DEATH, Dasher – Jeff Green, Elmer’s, Damascus, Dunkin, Tron, Catfish, Shriver
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

It was a cool and clear morning. Perfect for an old fashioned beatdown. Despite 1/3 of the PAX not understanding what time we start, we finally gathered during warmups and the games began.

Mosey to the football field for the bootcamp portion of the show
– 11s – Burpees / Squats starting endzone to endzone and reducing the distance 10 yards each round
– 4 corners – 10 reps each corner / 2 rounds – Merkins, Dry Docks, Squats, Mike Tysons / 1 burpee in the middle

Mosey back to parking lot for the KB portions
– 15 KB swings – lap around Kids drop off
– 15 KB swings + 10 single arm (each) presses – lap around Kids drop off
– 15 KB swings + 10 single arm (each) presses + 10 single leg (each) RDLS – lap around Kids drop off
– 15 KB swings + 10 single arm (each) presses + 10 single leg (each) RDLS + 15 curls – lap around Kids drop off
– 15 KB swings + 10 single arm (each) presses + 10 single leg (each) RDLS + 15 curls + 10 single arm (each) rows – lap around Kids drop off
– 15 KB swings + 10 single arm (each) presses + 10 single leg (each) RDLS + 15 curls + 10 single arm (each) rows + 15 squats – lap around Kids drop off

Round out the remaining few minutes with 10 single arm (each) snatches / 5 single arm (each) snatches / 30 sec plank

Some notes
– Zinfandel was unusually complimentary this morning
– Dunkin crushed the 11s
– Dasher – Jeff Green continues to put the PEC in ResPECt with his KB work
– Tron was out before everyone with a pre-run, obviously anticipating an easy workout
– Shriver is quiet but kills it every time
– Catfish ran the laps this morning like he stole something
– Blue Screen of DEATH continues to show up on his ‘rest’ days with the biggest KB in town
– Elmer’s was nipping at YHC’s heals all morning
– Transporter was his usual high-performing self and was inches away from taking a KB to the jewels if not for the cat-like reflexes of YHC

Thanks for the opportunity to lead this morning. Titan is quickly becoming a favorite in the rotation.