[_3rd-f-service] Record Breaking Blood Drive

November 5, 2023
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AO: _3rd-f-service
Q: Posse , Deflated, Shop Dawg, Ghosted (Christopher Brantigan), Centerfold, Maple Syrup – Shane Gordon
PAX: Deflated, Smithers, Elmer’s, Shop Dawg, Maple Syrup – Shane Gordon, Black Hat, Rockslide, C3P0, Two Hand Touch, Kilo – Gareth Davies, Chicken Little, Brutus, Turnbuckle – Greg Holencsak, Mayhem, One Star, Carb Load, Whiplash (Nick Niday), Flip Phone, Landfill, Mike Howard, Centerfold, Posse, DVP
FNGs: None
Total donations = 35 (met our goal!)
1st time donors = 4 (One Star & Whiplash, and Deflated’s 2.0) 🎉 Flip Phone
1st time hurlers = 2 Hand Touch🤢🤮
Slowest time (not counting Power Reds) = Chicken Little 10:01🐢
Fastest time (not counting 2 Hand) = Posse 4:19🥇
500th donor = Mayhem💥

Thanks to Deflated & his 2.0 for being the first on site to help set up, from snacks to signs!
Thanks to Shop Dawg & Maple Syrup for help in setting up the leaderboard & volunteer management!
Thanks to Centerfold for a huge help in teardown! #LastInLastOut
Massive thanks to Ghosted for annoying you to get out there and donate!
If any one of these Pax or civilians had not shown up today, we would not have reached our goal today. Every one of you made a difference today! And soon, your blood will make a difference to 3 other people somewhere!

+ We started today with donation #477 (Smithers) & kept counting as people came off the table (mostly under their own power). Power Reds counted for 2 spots (Red Cross rulez). Mayhem & Carb Load were vein & vein, but Stu of the Streets dripped to the finish first! The prize was 500 pennies, to represent him & all of you who bled before him. He cannot celebrate without acknowledging you. He promises to bring the prize to all the workouts. #VictoryLap

+The “Little Artery That Could” award goes to Flip Phone! While today was his first time ever donating (👏), it was his 3rd time intending to give blood. The last time he attended, we had the water main issue just before he was about to give, which shut down the whole drive. The time before that, there was some out-of-the-country violation he had with the RC. He may have had an out-of-body experience today while donating; ask him.

+ Proud of Deflated’s 2.0, Madison, for making this her first blood drive!

+ Whichever Pax in Wesley Oaks who posted in the drive info on the neighborhood FB page – thanks! That brought in a husband & wife who wouldn’t have known about us otherwise. The husband has done F3 before, but doesn’t remember his name & may come back out. 🤞

+ Maple had a strong outpouring this morning with a time of 4:47, that intimidated all but the final participant of the day.🥈

This is Ghosted & Posse’s last time Q’ing a blood drive. We considered asking individual Pax to take over. However, we have seen several times when a Pax will accept the offer, maybe out of guilt or obligation, and Q’ing becomes a task or chore, instead of an opportunity for deep fulfilling service and an awe-inspiring chance to lead other great people in an outstanding community.
I really hope someone(s) listens to that small internal voice pushing them to step into this role. You won’t have to create anything from scratch (unless you want to). You will have others ready to follow your lead, so don’t think you’ll be doing this alone (unless you want to).

Until someone else steps up, please consider taking your blood to the Area51/SOB drives starting next year.

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