AO: _bike
Q: Endo , Titanium Plates, Rockwell, Tron
PAX: Cartel, Mustard, Juice, Carb Load, Titanium Plates, Maple Syrup, Rockwell, Dasher – Jeff Green, Kick Stand, Bratwurst, Tron, Mullet/David, Twinkle toes, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Chastain, Rag, Roomba, Buffet, Stretcher, Peaches, Endo, Shamrock, Chelsey, Chewey
FNGs: None
What had happened was: 24 slim riders enjoying a shady day out on the trails. Titanium Plates led group A right to the skills area and we have film of lots of big sky jumps happening there. Rockwell opted for Group B to take the more scenic river line toward Cutty and POCO. Group C totally disappeared on me for a while so who knows what kind of shenanigans Tron was up to. A little later on all of a sudden I did hear Group C coming in very hot behind us, so us in Group B had to step it up a notch to not get flatten by Tron and his shredders. Rockwell took us on a tour of the trail work that needs to be done on the Cutty return loop where we did a bridge repair (great design by the trail fairies to tie a cable to the bridge so that we don’t have to look a mile down the stream to find it) and Mullet/David showed an impressive feat of strength by pushing a downed tree out of the way. Note to self don’t ever get Mullet/David p’d off at me. Quick shout out to Chastain for showing as it is always great to see you join the biker brothers on occasion. Also it was great to see Cartel back in action after a hand surgery. Back at COT we contemplated having Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano lead us in a stretch as Rockwell outed Ricky Bobby as incredibly “flexible” at another AO earlier in the week…..We’ll just leave that one right there. Bratwurst organized a pizza/bike refurbishing party for giveaways to Christ’s Closet, and I think around a farmer’s dozen bikes were completed. A few of us will be hitting up Mary O’Neil’s in Waxhaw Friday night to see our very own Hi-Hat and Titanium Plates do some jammin’ by the tracks, the band takes the stage 7:30ish. Much more I could write about as always but I’ll shut down this novel right here and see you all next week for another edition of Off The Chain.