[_playhouse] Bags and Bells

November 22, 2023
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Dasher – Jeff Green
PAX: Gerber, Rain Man, Deadwood, Zinfandel, Tron, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Chicken Little, Dasher – Jeff Green, Bottlecap, Schneider/Tom Evans, Dovetail, Hammer, Hurley
FNGs: 1 Hurley
Zin, DW, Rainman, Recalc, Tron, Hurley, and Dovetail did a pre-run. Kickoff time: Mosey around the lot to get the leg fired up then back to the parking lot.
Merkins, wMerkins, dMerkins Chicken needs to work on touching those fingers 😉
Then the UK special, something we learned at GTE.

Started off with KB ladder. Everyone on their six and passed all the KB’s down to the left and back. Not sure who the dummy was that brought the pair of 55 lbs KB. I’m sure we can guess who. Then we did the same thing in a plank position.

Partner up: each team had 2 KB and a sandbag. Exercise timer was the Sandbag carrier. Originally thought the pax would walk but they all ran with it to the end of the lot and back.
-Squat Thruster
-Upright Row
-Shoulder press
Once everyone got through the exercises and we picked up the six we did a suicide in the parking lot.

Rinse and repeat a second round.

We finished the second round with a couple minutes to spare and we held plank position until time.

It was Deadwood who brought the 55lb KB and 80lb sandbag. Not sure Tron appreciated his selection of partners and 80lb bag.
Zin had some nipple irritation going on. Good thing it was a warm morning.
Chicken and Schneider showed up to do zone 2 training. Who does that? Peer pressure helped solve that issue.
Gerber shows up late for the first time in five years with a broken hip but joins in on the KB work. Out of town brother (Hammer) in tow.
Bottlecap is excited he found a Turkey partner. He’s hoping for an extra crispy one this year.
Mr. Consistency, Rainman crushes all workout.
Dovetail and Hurley helped bring down the average age of the group. Both are SO in HS and play football. We are in COT and Hurley turns, walk 5 feet and spill the merlo. Nice work boys.
Saving the best for last is our distinguished elder of the group Recalc.
Side not we are disappointed the xmas tree lot doesn’t have props this year to make the family photos GREAT.

Great work fellas! Have a great Thanksgiving with family and friends.

F3 Waxhaw Christmas Party 12/16. Be sure to RSVP

Q Schools 12/16. Moving it to Saturday so we have more time. Details to follow.

BoM – BC took us out

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