[_playhouse] Warm and Fuzzy

January 22, 2024
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Rain Man
PAX: Transporter, Easy Button, Inspector Gadget, Maple Syrup, Posse, Animal Chris VanDruff, ChatterBox, Rain Man, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Elmer’s, Jedi, Contraband, Puxy, Doughboy, Schriver, Draper, Swimmers
FNGs: None
Always an honor to lead this group of men in a workout even in 20 degrees, especially when I typically hit Ignition and don’t get to work hard and sweat with most of this group.

A couple of shoutouts to @Draper, @Animal, and @Doughboy for really pushing and leading as HIMS.  They may not realize it, but myself and a few others are always watching and recognize hardworking PAX being a positive example to the group.  Like I always say, it never has been and never will be about being the fastest. It’s about good form, pushing you vs you, and most importantly encouraging others to do better.  

Thanks again fellas for showing up to my Q and starting your week off right.  Any feedback is welcomed good or bad because I’m always looking to improve the experience.


5 burpees at COT

Path to the palace
-every light pole 5HR merkins

Transporter’s shed (3 rounds)
– 30 air presses
– 10 Bobby Hurleys

Stairs (partner work 3 rounds) one runs while the other performs the exercise until they return to swap out.
-Big Boi’s
-Speed skaters

Roundabout (3 rounds)
-15 supines then two laps around the circle.

Benches (Geeb Jungle) 4 rounds. 25 reps, 20 reps, 15 reps, 10 reps
-step ups

Front of HS (web) run lap in between 5 rounds.
1 Carolina Dry Dock
1 Mike Tyson
1 merkin

Light poles main road.  Increase reps at each pole.
-one burpee/one Bonnie Blair 2 is 1

-Bear crawl

-45 reps of LBC IC

Head back to COT

Pray for Doughboy’s MIL
Pray for RM’s mom.

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