AO: flash
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Easy Button, Elmer’s, Shriver, Inspector Gadget, Twinkle toes, Schneider/Tom Evans, Cutlet, Falcon, Animal Chris VanDruff, Chainsaw, Jedi, Noonan, Deflated, Bottlecap, O-69, Zinfandel, Foundation
FNGs: None
What had happened was: Dasher had to take a leak. No wait. His house took a leak and then Dasher had to clean up the mess, so I said I’d take the Q duties. (not doodies)
We did 7s and stairs and rocks and partners and donkey kicks and alcoves and nobody died, not even when the bus tried to run us over and then choke us with diesel fumes.
The end.