[impromptu] It got colder

December 6, 2024
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AO: impromptu
Q: Elmer’s
PAX: Elmer’s, Hooch – Bret Turner, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Chainsaw, Deep Dish, Schneider/Tom Evans, Twinkle toes, Hi-Hat, Black Hat, O69, Falcon
FNGs: None
What had happened was: It started off cold and got colder. I tried to keep the pax moving to get warm but not sure if that happened. We stayed on the backside of the schools. Stretching in front of CMS. Then mosey to path to Transporter’s shed. Of course it was an Elmer’s Q, so we did Paula Abdul. Step ups and dips at the benches. Tysons, Squats and Dry Dicks at the bus steps. Back to the shed. Head up the path again towards COT. That’s where the gazelles crashed our party. They joined us for some squats at each light at first that turned into Tennessee Rocking Chairs at each light.

Prayers for Shamrock and Tron and family up in Philly.
Various 5k events coming up.
Chicken Little is collecting $$ to purchase gloves, hats and wool socks to give away to homeless in Charlotte at COTS in January. He’s got Venmo!