[mount_x] Thrusters Aren't Fun

February 28, 2024
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AO: mount_x
Q: Black Hat
PAX: Draper, Rockslide, Dunkin, Maple Syrup, Shriver, Chainsaw, Doughboy, Spitz, Sledge-O-Matic, Elmer’s, Rockwell
FNGs: None
What had happened was: grateful to be part of this F3 community. Elmer’s and Q were chatting before we started about how it would be tough to ever consider moving away from our region.

Full of warm feelings towards his fellow pax the Q was enthusiastic this morning and called for 125 thrusters at one point during partner work. Called an audible due to grumbling for the sake of time but continued leg pain by following up with Bobby Hurley’s at many light poles.

Everybody worked hard and persisted through an ab web to wrap up. Shared suffering is more easily endured and we all helped each other to the end.

Announcements: COT location is moving to Mount X starting next week!

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