[ruck_u] Never trust a ginger

March 4, 2025
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AO: ruck_u
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Hatchet, SOGGY, Black Hat, U-Haul, Rain Man, Gerber, Damascus, Shriver, Singlet – Justin Nelson
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

We started with a longer ruck than usual, especially since YHC’s headlamp decided not to cooperate and necessitated a brief return to COT and pitstop to grab another from the truck. THEN we headed around the back of the church for that tricky gear I said wouldn’t be there but everyone knew was gonna be there. 2 coupons, a 35# KB, a 40# KB, a 60# sandbag, and the monster meatball 100# tombstone sandbag. Each pax got one and we headed along the gravel road towards the big soccer field. The tombstone-bearer got to decide when we switched.

At the soccer field we ditched the gear (but not the rucks) and lined up on the goal line. Starting with a 5 merkin (ruck on) buy-in. We proceeded to make our way across the length of the field via army crawls, bear crawls, and lunge walks; punctuated by the occasional plank, elbow plank, and squats. Finishing at the far end with a 5 merkin (ruck on) cash out.

Back to the gear we headed to the football field before dumping it and heading to the endzone for our PT test. 50 HR merkins in 2 minutes. 50 butterfly sit-ups in under 2 minutes. Battle buddies were instructed to coach on form. You won’t get a pass at the GTE so you shouldn’t get a pass at Ruck U.

Next up we did a little ruck shuffle to the far end zone, dropped our rucks and knocked out some ruck over burpees. 10 to be exact. Then back across the field with a rifle carry, stopping at the 50 yard line for some high pulls, squats, and presses before continuing on to the end zone.

And then it happened

Today, March fourth, two thousand and twenty five, Hatchet outran Shriver, Singlet – Justin Nelson, and Chastain at Ruck U. With Hatchet, there’s always a story, but before we get to that I should point out that it was 100% genuinely impressive balls to the wall effort and I don’t think Hatchet from a week ago could’ve done it. That said…I should elaborate:

Instructions were to ruck shuffle to the far end zone and back for time. The pax were off! End zone to end zone took exactly 1:15. Then the reveal. We had to repeato but this time had to beat the previous time or else suffer penalties. If you had seen Hatchet moving you would have known he was NOT here for penalties. We were off again Hatchet was a blur as he sprinted across the field, desperate to avoid whatever evil YHC had cooked up. Down and back took 1:06. No penalties!

Readers can probably tell what happened next but I’ll say it anyways. This time hack required another down and back with an even better time. Or else? You guessed it: penalties. We made another attempt. YHC may have fudged the numbers but it in the early gloom it sure looked like 1:05.

Regardless, Singlet – Justin Nelson called it. Penalties were gonna happen regardless. 100 ruck on merkins divided by the number of completed laps. In this case, three. Therefore we each did 33 ruck on merkins. OYO. The Q left it up to the individual to count and to police their own form. It was ugly. But we all got it done.

Grab the gear and hoof it back to COT with minus 30 seconds to spare.

Hatchet took us out

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