[the_floater] T.I.T

June 27, 2024
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AO: the_floater
Q: Dasher – Jeff Green
PAX: Chastain, Cliffhanger, Dasher – Jeff Green, Deadwood, Easy Button, Falcon, Inspector Gadget, Mad Dog, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Tron, Zinfandel, Maple Syrup, Shania
FNGs: None
I’ve been threatened to write this BB by noon today by someone that fartsacked today. :face_with_symbols_on_mouth:

Started right out of the gate with T warm up. If you were there then you know. No mosey to gingerly warm up. It consisted of SSH, Burpees, MTC, and Plankjacks for 3 T’s.

The second T was in the park and consisted of Dips, box jumps, BB, and T-merkins

Still getting harassment text messages. :octagonal_sign: Bullying :deer:

Mosey back to the I of Bad Idea for sevens of :raised_back_of_hand: release merkins and get ups.

You’re welcome :red_circle: and :weak_arm: . :middle_finger: