[the_rock] Classic Rock Stations

June 18, 2024
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AO: the_rock
Q: Foundation
PAX: Black Hat, Penalty Box, Rain Man, Transporter, Peaches, Shop Dawg, Sun Drop, Lambeau, Endo, Shriver, Tulip
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

YHC missed opportunity to substi-Q last week, but Black Hat was quick to jump on opportunity to get on calendar for this week. Welcomed the challenge as many of the standard tricks (ultimate frisbee, indian run burpees, 4 corners). But, the one thing that it would not eliminate would be the ability to bring music. Now, YHC did slightly panic that would speaker show as Transporter had the party box and coordinated to bring it, but YHC confidence level was between a Smithers hard commit and a Deadwood commit to be on time. So, to hedge bet worked to secure a backup from Deflated at 4:45 am, as he must have been awake starting his Kristaps Porzings warm up before game 5 and picked up backup speaker.

With speaker in hand YHC loaded the jeep and headed to the Rock and had first fail by parking in Penalty Box spot and setting up right in his path. Got on site and went down to shed to see what other toys are there and eyes lit up when saw giant tire and figured lets add that as a station.

Rain Man showed up and was hobbling around and helped with setup.

The Thang:
12 stations with about 0:35/station. My hedge of protection and prayer bingo has worked, and we had the exact # of pax to match stations. Plan was rotate through stations and then in between have a 2:00 min core session.

Stations Included:
-Tire flip
-Ground/Pound on 100# sandbag tombstone
-Front Rows w/ 60 lb sandbag
-KB swings
-25 lb plate steering wheels
-Forearm weight roll ups
-tricep extension w/ block
-merkin pyramid on block
-Forward lunges
-Sandbag overhead drops
-jump rope

-Transporter came in hot and delivered with speaker, so YHC doubts were wrongfully placed
-Transporter slight twitch when seeing sandbags flying in air, but Rain Man quickly soothed him by advising not his and ok
-YHC had blow out in shorts while doing the squats
-Penalty Box showed a bit of his old hockey days with ground and pound, next time YHC will put jersey on it so he can pull over head to make more realistic
-Tulip southern fully showed out and I think I picked something up about Fishing at Camp, and Coleslaw, but Jersey guy only could get every other word

All in all great work and lots of fun