[the_rock] The mats are cute but you won't be needing them

October 22, 2024
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AO: the_rock
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Peaches, Radar, Posse, Deadwood, Mayhem, Roomba, Lambeau, Penalty Box, Breezer, Floppy Disk (Paul Dokken), Endo, Rockwell, Cableguy
FNGs: None
What had happened was:

Chicken Little should be commended for his willingness to Q but even though there are two Chicken Littles in the _playhouse it isn’t possible for him to Q both Watchtower and The Rock on the same day (since they’re at the same time and in two completely different locations). #birdbrain So I took the Q for him.

A few minutes to go and all these guys are rolling out these soft foam yoga mats. Sorry guys, this ain’t broga. We won’t be needing those.

A few warmup exercises, but not TOO much cause we’re gonna need all the time we can get for the Thang.

4 cones marking the corners of a square 20 yards per side. (Well, it was a square until Deadwood came in hot and ran over one :face_with_rolling_eyes: ).

Round 1
Mode of Transportation: Bear Crawl
Corner 1: 20 Squats
Corner 2: 20 Merkins
Corner 3: 20 Big Bois
Corner 4: 10 Burpees

Round 2 (with coupon)
Mode of Transportation: Rifle Carry
Corner 1: 20 Curls
Corner 2: 20 Shoulder Presses
Corner 3: 20 Tricep Extensions
Corner 4: 10 Blockees

Repeato, reduce corners 1-3 to 15 reps
Repeato, reduce corners 1-3 to 10 reps
Repeato, reduce corners 1-3 to 5 reps

Some workouts are just a grind. There’s only 8 exercises and you do them ad nauseum. It takes grit and mental determination (as much as it does physical) to get through. But sometimes life is a grind too. By getting up early, dealing with the cold, the discomfort, the aches and pains, the lack of motivation…that all builds mental toughness to better equip us for the aches and pains of life. Thanks for gutting through it today. It wasn’t easy but we all persevered.

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