[wxw_express] WXW Express takes the Local Route

January 31, 2023
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AO: Wxw_Express
Q: Chastain
PAX: Chastain, Dasher – Jeff Green, Bottlecap, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Flip Phone, Rockwell, O69, Chicken Little, ChatterBox, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, Rubbermaid, Seabass- Tim Carey
FNGs: None
The Express route is the fast train that skips most stops. The Local route is usually slower because it hits every stop. Today the Express train took the Local route.

Mosey to the driver’s ed lot and started with SSHs because I’m pretty sure the workout doesn’t count if you don’t do at least a couple. Dasher wasn’t happy with me. Other stretches were also done.

On to the Local Route. Starting at the outside road around the HS, run the full loop around the campus alternating sprinting and recovery at every light pole on the right. Pick up the six when you’re done.

Next up: some hill repeats. Bottom of the hill, run to the spirit rock at the Cutty HS entrance. I said 5K pace but some pax (including me) weren’t believing that we were running anything like a 5K pace. Recovery run back to the bottom. Repeato! This time the goal is to run a hard pace, but one you can maintain ALL THE WAY to the rock. Recovery back. One more repeato. Hard pace again and make sure you run all the way through the rock. Mosey back down the hill and take a left to the parking lot corner near Geeb’s Jungle.

This lot has 4 sides. Alternate sprinting and recovering on each side. Pick up the six when you finish. Mosey to the next corner and repeato. That way we get some long sprints, some uphill sprints, and some downhill sprints. I was going to stop at just two rounds but there was so much mumblechatter during the “sprinting” portion of the second run that I realized we clearly weren’t working hard enough. Repeato two more times. Bleh!

Mosey to the lower traffic circle. Run a hard pace UP the hill and maintain it the whole way. Recover back down. Repeato and run AS FAST OR FASTER than the previous time. Recover back down. One more time but give it all you got!

Head back to COT using the Local route (alternate sprints/recovery at each light.

4 minutes remaining and we used all of it for some much needed cooldown stretches.

Great job hopping aboard the WXW Express!

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