[titan] Jitterbug’s VQ…Titan or Titanic?

February 1, 2025
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AO: titan
Q: Jitterbug , Bottlecap
PAX: Deadwood, Mad Dog, Rain Man, Gasparilla, Pac-Man, Bottlecap, ChatterBox, Chastain, Shriver, Tron, Jitterbug, Paddington, Avis, Hatchet’s moral support radiating from Commitment, None
FNGs: 1 None
What had happened was:

13 showed up for a nice Sat. AM rendezvous. VQ for YHC and true to my F3 moniker, felt the jitters as I nervously made my first move. Started out a little hot on the forepl warmup mosey but we settled in. The Pax headed to the gridiron for some zig-zag fun. Thought my Weinke was ready for prime time but as I fumbled with the bra clasp instructions…was it obvious this was my first time? Got my groove back and we zigged and zagged with some burpees, MKGs, dry docks and bombjacks in the mix. Finished off with a forward/shuffle/backward mosey around the field. A real thrill ride and incidentally, made for some curiously satisfying Strava art. I’m hopeful she Pax will keep coming back for more.

On to kettlebells Q’d by soda-slinging legend Bottlecap. My goodness he brought the pain. Grinding some KB-laden pop can crates along Southbrook’s rocky parking lot until they started to smell like melty plastic and flaming :hankey: . A bunch of other partner KB stuff with some running mixed in. Overall, a proper beat down by a veteran Q.

Closed with COT. Church on the street tomorrow. Encouraging words from Bottlecap on pushing each other to do hard things like VQ. T-Ron took us out with a solid prayer and with that, YHC’s maiden Q voyage was complete.

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