[the_floater] nothing but smiles

August 22, 2024
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AO: the_floater
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Chastain, Mad Dog, Kid Rock, Wrigley, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Inspector Gadget, Hollywood, Zinfandel, Centerfold, ChatterBox, Shania, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Deadwood, Ice9, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
Cliff notes: Floater vQ for YHC’s birthday. Simple weinke: pick two challenging hills. Run them back and forth, for at least 5k, stopping in three locations to complete 17 reps of several exercises for upper body, legs and core. That made 51 reps for each, to celebrate those 51 trips around the Sun.
The day before, while the site-Qs were working on the marketing, I received an unusual complaint: “we can’t find a single pic of you where you are not smiling.”
No wonder: no matter how your previous day went, no matter your aging parents health challenges and distance, no matter all that ugliness at work, occasional trouble with the M, struggles with your 2.0s… Every morning we wake up early AF and join this amazing fellowship. Push and get pushed, do awesome or suck at it. Sweat, fall, bleed, get injured… When the time comes to take that picture, we are all smiles, because there’s no other place we’d rather be.