[watchtower] Figures 8 and four square

July 16, 2024
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AO: watchtower
Q: Smithers
PAX: Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Smithers, ChatterBox, U-Haul, Stagecoach, Dasher – Jeff Green, Hollywood, Chastain, Zinfandel, Elmer’s, Spitz, Venus
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Run to flag pole circle for some warmups.
Figure 8 – starting with burpee at flagpole then run to the top corner by bus entrance. 20 BB then run to next corner 20 Dry Docks. Run back to flag pole for a burpee. Then other corner by passenger drop off entrance 20 BB next corner 20 Dry Docks. Back to flag pole for burpee. Repeato 3 times.
Mosey to drop off corner for four corners suicide with deconstructed burpees. Start with 1 burpees the. Go to first corner for 10 squats. Back to beginning for 2 burpees (+1 every back) back to first corner for the squats. Second corner for 15 in and outs back to beginning for 3 burpees. Then 20 merkins. Then 25 Bobby hurleys. End with 5 burpees together at COT and start a H2H and LBC web until time.