[wxw_express] Step 1: Almost Die

March 26, 2024
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AO: wxw_express
Q: Tuck
PAX: Seabass- Tim Carey, Chastain, Dasher – Jeff Green, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, Damascus, Bottlecap, Rockwell, Rockslide, Blue Screen, Gerber, Das Boot
FNGs: None
Pop quiz: when does 60 seconds feel like it goes by the fastest?
A) there’s a minute left on the clock and your team is down
B) you are gettin’ jiggy wit it
C) between the 7th and 8th 400m interval at mile race pace

The answer of course is C. It always has been C and always will be C.

Very strong work by 12 pax out on the track this morning. We did 8 x 400m at mile race pace with, you guessed it, 60 seconds rest in between. This is probably the hardest workout I do in any given year. It is designed to give you an idea of your current mile race pace. Take the time of each interval and multiply by 4. Then average all 8 of them and there you go.

It was nice being on the track this year. No buses, diesel fumes, or slight inclines/declines. I left feeling very encouraged. My result is 17 seconds faster than when we did this a year ago. I know Damascus had some big improvements as well. Great job by Gerber and Chastain leading the way. Keep posting and 8 weeks from now we will all be faster.


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