[impromptu] I hope you think of me when your're half naked

November 17, 2023
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AO: impromptu
Q: Fuse Box
PAX: Fuse Box, Falcon, Doughboy, Centerfold, Chicken Little, Dana, Ackbar/Brad, Mad Dog, Elmer’s, Maple Syrup – Shane Gordon, Deflated, Shriver, Foundation, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Spitz, Rockwell, Jig Saw
FNGs: None
WARMUP: None – Recalc would have been proud that we left the stretching to be done at home.

Mosey to high school stairs and split up into teams of 3. Partner 1 alternates 5 donkey kicks and 10 seated air presses at top of stairs. P2 alternates Turkish get ups and Irkins at bottom of ramp. P3 does a backwards crab walk up the stairs. Continue in a rotating fashion for 3 rounds.

Mosey to wide sidewalk heading to round about for alternating 20 crawl bears and 20 lunge walks until we reached the circle.

Mosey to back of high school for 3 rounds – nope running out of time 2 rounds of 20 foot release squats and 10 each leg of 1 legged step up.

Mosey to bottom of traffic circle and partner up. P1 starts inchworm merkin’s towards the traffic circle while P2 runs a loop. Continue until you reach the swinging arm car barricades.

Mosey to Transporters Shed/Rudy’s Poop Palace. 25 Wall Air Presses in cadence.

Mosey back to COT stopping at every light for 5 each of a jump lunge, jump squat, jump lunge, jump squat.

Arrive to COT 2 minutes early and give the pax the option of run or abs. They chose abs and to Mad Dog’s surprise I was the Dude and abided. Starting a 4 LBC’s and 4 Gas Pumpers. We increased to 8, 12, 16 before we ran out of time.

– The udder fear on Mad Dogs face when I said I planned this workout so that pax would think about me later in the day when they were half naked on the toilet. He then was quick with his response that at least the pax would be flaccid – yikes.
– Lots of baby giraffe references on the last mosey back to COT. Those Jump lunge squat things grind on you.
– Great push out of Jig Saw today. Even had a couple of us singing Moana songs with him.
– Lots more I could call out, but not enough time. Great push by everyone. Awesome job by Tron to jump in with the Swarm boys for the second or third week now. Keep it going dude.
– NC State vs Va Tech tomorrow – no burpee bets with Dana or Inspector that I’m aware of. I think both fan bases are being quiet not sure of which team will show.

– Commitment 9 year anniversary tomorrow
– Christmas Party needs to RSVP
– Zin’s Beer Exchange closer to Christmas

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