[_playhouse] on my up... 1

February 6, 2024
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Animal Chris VanDruff
PAX: Chicken Little, Rockwell, Two Hand Touch, Sun Drop, Black Hat, Shriver, Deadwood, Dunkin, Lambeau, Penalty Box, Cliffhanger, None
FNGs: 1 None
12 Hard charging HIM’s showed out this morning at The Rock for my first but definitely not last Q.
imperial walkers 15
little baby arm circles, forward
“keep em up!”
little baby arm circles backward.
“keep em up!”
morracan nigh clubs the English way?!?
side straddle hops
slow mo Merkins… listen to the count!
air squats
and finally caterpillar walk out to plank jax

Bricks and Blocks x 3
curls for the girls
tricep press
shoulder press
reverse fly’s

Blocks x3 partner up
1 partner rifle carry walks to the end of the accessible parking spots
partner 2 does some hands on the block Mt Climbers
1) rifle carries some more
2) Peter Parkers
1) keep rifle carrying
2) kettle block swing or Dead woods soft but heavy sack. 🤔
1 final rifle walk
2) gets some Carolina dry docks.
Rinse and repeat!
Walk with purpose fellas!!! let’s go!!
shout out to @deadwood and @two hand touch for the marry when finishing early.
On your 6!
High Plank Pickle Pounders (feet on the blocks)
Hip thrusts (block on your hips)
Hello Dolly
Press to skull crusher proved to be too advanced after round 1
audible to Press
rounding out with skull crushers
Rinse and repeat x3
Pax hollered 3 mins
so we closed with
Big Boys
Plank Jax
and a 30 second Plank hold that nobody knew how to count. I will take the ownership. I probably forgot how to count.

Effees Friday night. please RSVP
CPR class coming up check slack
convergence Friday 515 Cutty. bring coffee for after, or they might have some.
Good thoughts to those running Fellowship of the Idiots this weekend!

Prayer request/thoughts and good vibes
Black hat talked about the young 5 yr old Lad from church that has been recently diagnosed with some form of cancer in the brain. touch base with @Blackhat if you have a desire to do more for that family.

Thank you to all those that come before me, those that grind every day, lead, and mentor. it was an absolute honor to have been trusted to jump out and Q these awesome men!

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