[_playhouse] Grateful Opportunity

January 31, 2024
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Dasher – Jeff Green
PAX: Black Hat, Gerber, Rain Man, Easy Button, Tron, ChatterBox, Transporter, Ice9, Dasher – Jeff Green, Zinfandel, Deadwood, Hollywood
FNGs: None
We are one of the lucky ones that get to have today. Not everyone gets that opportunity so what are you going to do to make the most of it.

Almost jumping right into it. 15 swings run to the end of the parking lot and back, around the world both directions run down and back, 10 Merkins with 1 hand on KB flapjack. Then we did 10 pulls each side then back to merkins for 5. Gloves are nice and soaked at this point.

We moseyed over to the Target parking lot for the main event. 10 Clean and press, run to island for 2 burpees and back to KB, pick up KB for 10 walking lunges towards the next line for 10 Big Boys. Initially there was some groaning then everyone maned up. We kept doing that to the end.
Round 2 was Squats and Side Lunges. Round 3 was Swings and Hammers.

As we headed towards COT to finish up things with 3.5 minutes we did partner plank merkins. Player 1 in plank position Player 2 feet on the back for 10 merkins. Flapjack every 10 for 3.5 minutes. Lots of grunting to the finish.

Great morning to be out with the brothers in the elements and weather. I’ve been working on a movement the last month at Cowbell to park under the lights and not the dark side of the lot. Finally I had followers. However Blackhat was there second and he parked in the dark and was wondering where everyone was until he looked in the review mirror. Boom we made it happen!

Deadwood showed up in a bad mood and didn’t have much to say until coffee. We do we ever get a quite DW. 😉
Transporter was late, he’s lucky we didn’t start with a run.
Tron is back in action after spending a great week with his family and mother-in-law in Disney. Nows when the tough times start and we are here for you.
Easy Button came in a full rain suit. He was afraid of getting those pretty shorts wet.
Just so everyone knows Gerber got new under tights that hold a cell phone. Be on the lookout for F3 Waxhaw addition. Maybe, I don’t know and wouldn’t put it past him.
RainMan slinging the big rock today and out front.
Zin was at the other end of the line and didn’t hear anything from him. I kind of thought he coffee early.
Ice9 was typical Ice9 dry heaving
Hollywood hurt his hip on the side lunges
Last but not least is my pee buddy Chatterbox. No joking he and I were pee buddy for GTE.

Cowbell is a special AO. Grateful for what Gerber and Rainman have built. One that Pax show up to work their asses off and push each to match the intensity. When you have that level of action happening on a weekly basis you gain instant respect for the brothers pushing next to you.

Oh Yeah, hugs for everybody.

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