AO: the_lycan
Q: Hatchet
PAX: Dunkin, Hatchet, Dana, Elmer’s, Draper, Premature, Noonan, Rockwell, Das Boot, Deep Dish, Kermit
FNGs: None
What had happened was:
Hard to believe maybe. I had it planned out well in my head. Mind was a little foggy this am. I was missing that extra minute of sleep. I knew I should not have been there until 5:14. Not 5:13. It wasn’t a failure. But it wasn’t my best work. You boys get up early. Show up. And grind. For the first time In 2.5 years of doing this, I can honestly say, I should have done better than that. As mentioned. Not a failure. But it didn’t meet my standards.
As a peace offering. I’ve signed up to Q the following sites to redeem myself.
Let’s keep praying for all of us. And those taking care of elderly parents and in laws. It’s a grind.
The rock. Diesel. Body shop. Mount x. More to come. Thanks boys.
Let’s crush it this week.