[the_floater] All Work… No Bat Flippers

February 1, 2024
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AO: the_floater
Q: Deadwood
PAX: Chastain, Easy Button, Zinfandel, Deadwood, Tron, Ice9, Foundation, Deflated, Hooch – Bret Turner, Singlet – Justin Nelson, ChatterBox, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Mad Dog, Rain Man, Damascus, Glidah
FNGs: None
Disclaimer given but Ice 9 didn’t approve…. He does what he wants, rules don’t apply.

During the DiCCS I told everyone we were doing an opening mile..and we did.

7:30 pace all the way up Bad Idea and a couple of zig zags through the cemetery we finally hit one mile.

About that time Mad Dog and Damascus came running up. Pax were in shock that they found us so quickly! It was almost as if someone (me) told them where we would be. Damascus called me while in route and I filled him in.

The Thang:

This would be at the top of Zinfandels most hated Qs.

Run to the bottom of bad idea 10 SSH. Run to the top 10 SSH. Walk sit for the 6.

Leave bad idea and run straight to the top of Another Bad Idea. Plank for the 6 with some merkins.

Run to the bottom of ABI 10SSH. Run to the top but keep running take the next left and then the next right and run down and back up Heart Rate Hill…plank for the 6. 6 is in run back down and back up (it’s literally up hill both ways) and knockout 10 SSH at the intersection.

Mosey from there straight down the road until we hit Hwy 75, hold for the 6. Damascus woke up the dogs and I’m still trying to figure out if it was a man or women yelling at us and if they were mad or not. 6 is in let’s mosey.

Straight down the sidewalk back to the road crossing, straight down KJH tj the last street light. Plank for the 6. Merkins while we wait.  

Run up KJH and do 10 SSH at the stop sign by the laundromat. 6 is in, back to COT with 1 min. Quick merkin wave and done.

Most clocked a minimum of 4 miles while Chastain hit over 5 circling back.

ZERO mumble chatter that I heard…Zin was definitely thinking it or maybe saying it I dunno.  He’s a true gazelle but won’t admit it.

Tron read the disclaimer but as usual is up for pushing his self and doing the hard stuff.

I know A LOT of pax that should follow his lead.  You have no excuses other than you want to be a weak man. Haha. If you’re hurt I get it but the pax I could name aren’t hurt and put fourth ZERO effort and EVERYONE sees it. The pax that actually work are always talking about it.  Always. Why post if you didn’t come to work? Hell Chainsaw is 64 and will SMOKE some pax 20yrs younger.

How do you half ass every rep/every workout and expect anyone to listen to you or take you serious? No one does and they won’t until you try but they still may not, who knows.

If this small glimpse of truth triggers you…maybe I’m talking to you.  

Final thoughts.  Don’t be a b!t(h!!!

All pax killed it! Plan and simple.

Prayers for Doughboy as he travels for a funeral

Prayers for Trons mother in law? I can’t remember which.

Prayers for the small child that had the brain tumor and is now recovering.

And prayers for all you bat flippers. May one day you work hard ( at least a proper rep…1) or go join FIA.

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