3 LIFO (Tardy), thanks Freed to Lead (read about the F3 use of this term last night). Transporter only seconds late, Deadwood a few mins (don’t worry he got his 45 #75Hard and came baring a barbell) , and Airtag nonchalantly arriving ~10-15 mins late. #RookieMistake on the bright side this FNG has decided F3 was worth going to again, maybe a push from ChatterBox? Keep at it Airtag and set that alarm a wee bit earlier.
Although arms and sprints were the focus, the inaugural introduction of the Resistance sled to F3 was the true hit. Fantastic camaraderie and sometimes yelling at the PAX pushing to hurry up.
If you were the unfortunate bastard that finished on the sled as sprints started, you had the pleasure of running in quick sand. At least that’s what it felt like.
Good times were had by all.
PS Dasher – Jeff Green can confirm, the Hooch/Singlet Band is back together after a “1 day break” haha