[impromptu] Iron sharpens Iron x2

May 10, 2024
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AO: impromptu
Q: Cliffhanger
PAX: Chicken Little, Chainsaw, Centerfold, Deflated, Foundation, Rockwell, Easy Button, Smithers, Black Hat, Kid Rock, Shriver, Schneider/Tom Evans, 2xT, Dana, Drydock, Mad Dog, Hi-Hat, Cliffhanger
FNGs: None
Cliff notes:
About 17 HIM showed up this morning, ready to give it all. Before that, another about 17 joined ChatterBox for another epic beatdown at Swarm. This non-planned synchronicity in numbers was perfect for a planned-sorta-kinda-convergence that the two Qs concocted for a worthy occasion:
Chatter brought YHC to his first F3 workout, a day like today, two years ago.

So, with that in mind, the Swarm boys took one side of campus and did their thing for 45 minutes. The Impromptu boys took another side, and did a whole lot of running, peppered with leg and core work for 30 grueling minutes. And then we all met for 15 minutes to challenge each other and share a few hand-clap merkins and whatnot.

Some kumbayas at COT: Tron has been pushing himself (and everybody around him) for 200 frigging days, non-stop. 2xT takes his EHing leadership and spirit with him everywhere he goes. We prayed for our families and relatives going through health issues. We discussed what an amazing bunch of idiots we are, and how constancy in the gloom makes us better fathers, husbands and leaders. And yeah, we even get stronger physically and mentally, and push harder every day. Father Seabass- Tim Carey took us out with his trademark wisdom.

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