AO: commitment
Q: Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach , Dunkin
PAX: U-Haul, Dunkin, Hatchet, Carb Load, Chainsaw, Chastain, Dana, Dave Bailey aka Popeye, Deep Dish, Das Boot, Fuse Box, Posse, Rain Man, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Rockwell, Sugar Daddy- Joe Gummersbach, ChatterBox, Gasparilla
FNGs: None
I was conducting a normal Q until at 6:50am @Dunkin shows up stating that “nobody showed at Titan” ????What????
So, Dunkin sadly joined us at Commitment. I felt bad for him and asked if he would like to Q the remaining 30 minutes. He was happy again and led the rest of the workout.