[_playhouse] Impromptu for You! Happy friday fellas!

September 6, 2024
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AO: _playhouse
Q: Twinkle toes
PAX: Chainsaw, Dasher – Jeff Green, Seabass- Tim Carey, Mad Dog, Drive By – Rob Rosenthal, ChatterBox, Twinkle toes, Black Hat, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Hooch – Bret Turner, Zinfandel, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Dana, Gerber, Easy Button, Chicken Little, Foundation, U-Haul, Falcon, Bottlecap, Shriver, Shania
FNGs: None
Circuits around Cutty for a nice Friday morning kick off to the weekend here in Waxhaw!

DSCC, warm up mosey, stretching, and partner up, 3 rounds of dips, irkins, and step ups warmed up these pax. We welcomed buss drivers with the peoples chair wall sits, while conducting 24 jabs and arm lifts, then mosey to do some Bear crawls, and lunges, Mad Dog knew one of the buss drivers as they greeted one another! Hold planks till 6.

Mosey for sevens at the stairs for 7 rounds of “perfect murkins” and donkey kicks with a set of 7 twinkle toes as you round the bottom corner every time. Flutters till the 6.

Run/mosey to the stadium for partner runs and meet back in the middle for 5 hand slap murkins.

Return to the shed for rounds of lifts and jabs, 3 minutes left run to COT for a solo Twinkle toes 13 big boys to end on time. Good work boys! Glad to lead you fine men this morning.

“The leftovers” are playing tonight at Mary o’neals. 7:30 I forgot to mention during our session.
Week 1 of IPC, need sign ups!
IPC relay – need sign ups!
Prayers for Pax and teachers and students for a safe year for ALL.
Build up community support, strength and care for one another.