Namearoma—- I swear Lucky Charm said Luggage Arm —- I vote name change — that is a baller name —- LUGGAGE ARM!! lol. Damn chicken ears failed me
ChatterBox delicious Indian food 10/20 raising funds for Indian people in need. Order some you will not regret it
Many people heading to help this Saturday for those in need in Western NC leaving 6:30 ish back home 8:30-9pm. Step up and get out of your comfort zone — if you need a motivation speech to not be selfish D-bag and help those in need please call Maddog he will put it in perspective for you —I was ready to leave after the workout and his speech
Not to be outdone by Maddog 0-69 announced a bourbon tasting at Doughboys house for those that would rather drink than hep people. But……. Behind door number 2 is an opportunity to help those in need and then swing by Doughboys house on way home. Bammmmmm- great idea Zinfandel