[watchtower] It’s a Freaking Halloween Convergence Boys!!

November 7, 2023
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AO: watchtower
Q: Zinfandel
PAX: Elmer’s, Doughboy, Chainsaw, Deflated, Catfish, Watergate, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Fredo, Mad Dog, One Star, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Carb Load, ChatterBox, Hatchet, Premature, Smithers, Dunkin, Noonan, Twinkle toes, Centerfold, Bottlecap, Easy Button, Deep Dish, Transporter, Pyro, Chastain, C3P0, Hi-Hat, Deadwood, Dasher – Jeff Green, Das Boot, Zinfandel, Fiji, Tickler, Krusty,
FNGs: None
Split Q between One Star and myself as we shut down our home sites to converge for such a special holiday. Some people might ask “why?” We are stupid enough to ask the dreaded, “why not?” A few texts, one phone call and the plans were set. Prince would take the first half of the workout and I would snag the second

Halloween DiCCS was given and shown. Let the games begin!

One Star would take the first half and he would start the morning blazing some prince while running us to the back of Publix. We would circle up for some good old warm up but the kind we stop at like 14 or 19 reps. Those Bushwood boys are always knocking a few strokes off…

We would run around the building, back around the the front for some serpentine before the Publix assistant to the regional manager would tell him to turn his music off.

We would finish up, go use some fence for different things and then we would use the wall for different things as well. And then…

I would pick up my portion where I found a fun little sidewalk to where the others live. We would utilize there sweet driveways for some partner work using driveways on the right. Partner 1 is the timer. Partner 2 does the exercise and then flip flop. Partner 2 does squats while Partner 1 has 5 x burpees and then runs up to relieve but runs up 2 driveways. Rinse and repeat until we make it all the way down the street.

Spooky Ab Webb. Zombiefied WW1 sit up is the 1, LBC/dying cockroach is the 4 and 4 x J.Los in-between rounds. Nothing scary about J.Lo, in fact thinking about her brings me great joy but for some an overwhelming fear. Crank out to 10 and 40 but due to time cut short.

Partner up with someone else and use the same driveways but they are on your left now. Partner 1 does 10 x Thriller-esque Lunges, which is the timer, 1 is 1. Partner 2 stares at their partner betwixted their legs while doing Carolina Dry Docks.

Cut early to get back to COT.

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