[convergence] Reinvigoration Convergence for the Site Qs

January 30, 2024
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AO: convergence
Q: Zinfandel
PAX: Chastain, Cliffhanger, Flip Phone, Posse, Tuck, Dunkin, Singlet – Justin Nelson, Tanyatine-Tim Braun, Inspector Gadget, Gerber, Easy Button, Schneider/Tom Evans, Bottlecap, Das Boot, Dasher – Jeff Green, Chicken Little, Two Hand Touch, Deadwood, Dana, Seabass- Tim Carey, Kid Rock, Hatchet, Mayhem, Fuse Box, Landfill, Black Hat, Recalc- Keith Balaniz, Elmer’s, Spitz, Falcon, Rockslide, Rain Man, Ricky Bobby – Andrew Cassano, Zinfandel
FNGs: None
For my 123rd Q and first decent idea since joining F3 Waxhaw’s SLT (Shared Leadership Team) on 1st F with Dasher…we would ask each of our site Qs to meet to reset/repeat/reinvigorate our Roles and Responsibilities of managing an AO.

We gathered even earlier, stayed even longer and would have to listen to my voice for 7-8mins at both the start and end of the workout. I hope you all enjoyed it and are ready to light a fire at your site and really leave your mark in F3 Waxhaw.

Want to be a Site Q? Ping Dasher and I anytime. Seriously, great opportunity to lead in our region and build more HIMs (High Impact Men).

My Welcome (so that it feels like you were there if you werent): Good morning gentlemen. This morning will start a little different than usual. We have 29ish workouts a week. That is 58 pax alone to manage our region. We DO NOT have 58 pax post per day so we need to continue to look for ways to shake it up.

A good mantra for today: “You don’t have to do this, you get to do this.” Let’s take it seriously. We have lowered the barrier to enter F3 in an incredible way in our region something we should all be proud off. We also must ensure we are doing our best to keep a “standard”. Take pride in your role.

Before kicking this off we will discuss the Site Q Guide for “Before the Workout”:
-Fill out the Calendar – 3-4 weeks in advance
-Check in with your scheduled Q – Provide them guidance & even review weinke if necessary.
-Rotating Qs – same guys? Trade Qs. Train Qs!
-Plant shovel flag
-Make your site yours.

Just before the start of the Workout:
-The 6

Then the workout began..then it ended.

During the Workout:
-In workout/post workout encouragement – do this and find oppty to give pax kudos

After the Workout:
-Provide Q candid feedback
-Follow up with FNGs
-Post family photo with a story and create site FOMO.
-Write a BB. 24hrs. Tic tock
-Find and train your Site Q replacement

Areas for Acceleration:
-Connect with leadership of your site where it makes sense. To build bridges, spread the word, offer to clean up, and try to leave site better than you found it.
-More – pre runs/rucks, great for building additional camaraderie for men in our region, especially those with goals.
-Stay Late – continue to look for ways to create bonds by lingering if you can or host an off or onsite coffeeteria
-Step up – be vocal about your site. Attend VQs with intent of guiding and having them join your site.
-Freed to Lead – skies the limit here.

We sometimes forget after all our time here why we have nicknames, why we call exercises Merkins and Mike Tyson’s and plant a shovel flag. Why do we start and end so specifically. It’s these little things that we forget about that are about ensuring the new guys know this is way more than a workout.

We need to own these roles and remind ourselves of our responsibility. Thank you all for your leadership and your time this morning! This is what makes our region so great.

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